March 28, 2006
Chapter 88
Goodness, that Hugo sure has a crush on Jane, the receptionist. In this episode he comes out to her about his sound recording project that he's working on, and says that he'd like to include her voice as part of it. All the while he's just thinking about how he'd like to make time with her. Aww. Since everything related to Fedema Global is already being recorded all the time, she says it won't be a problem for her to get him 5 minutes of their conversation, so he can have Jane saying 3 certain words on his recording. I won't say which 3 words exactly b/c that would be a quote from the story. Jane also says that she'll help get Hugo's belongings up off the bottom of the ocean, and she certainly didn't need to do that, so I wonder if she's down?? If you feel me. And then finally he gives her a message to get to Mr Glendennig that basically says "I'm making some progress on the case even though you told me not to work on it. (Total paraphrasing.)