Sam takes everyone around La Garra trying to find the whereabouts of Hugo, to no avail. They end up at a gross place called The Ching Shih, where we meet Dezzetti, who Sam knows from playing Carrick with back in the days. They have a pretty funny conversation that I won't go in to here. (If you're ONLY reading these updates, and not the story itself, this is one chapter I'd recommend you head over and actually read.)
While they're there, guess who they meet. Blue Eye! You remember he was playing Carrick with the robot Hand guy and Hugo way back. They got into a whole fight about the Garrotte card and Hugo got beat up pretty badly? Well now Blue Eye is pretty spooked by Hugo, and afraid to run into him. And it's interesting that Allison now has two black eyes b/c so did Hugo at that point. So neat, I like it when writers do cool things like that.
So Blue Eye tells them where The Hand operates, so presumably they're all going to head there next, but first Blue Eye tries to beat up Allison. People save her, but ugh, she must be getting so depressed by now.